Scouting Railroading Merit Badge

BSA RR Merit Badge Logo

This class gives local Scouting America participants an opportunity to earn their Railroading Merit Badge. Scouts will participate in various activities that will fulfill the Railroading Merit Badge requirements, including an interactive Amtrak history tour (time permitting), learning basic signals, model train displays, whistle/horn demonstrations, and learning from Operation Lifesaver presenters about rail safety.

Registration ends when 20 participants register.

Prerequisites will be assigned upon enrollment and must be completed by the day of the class.

If you wish to enroll, you MUST enroll directly though the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum; enrollment cannot be done through troops as reservations are made exclusively through the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum. Those who do not pre-enroll through SLORRM will not be admitted on the day of class.

To enroll: contact Diane Marchetti ([email protected]), 805-602-2864.

Cost is $30: Cost includes a model railroad kit and materials for the day.