SP Caboose #1886
Southern Pacific Bay Window Caboose #1886 was built in June, 1972. It was last used by SP on the Lompoc Local. #1886 was purchased in 1996 from a salvager for 10¢ per pound. It is now located on the display track at the Museum.
The Southern Pacific Railroad #1886 caboose is a basically completed restoration. However, there are a few internal and external components that will be restored in the future toward complete restoration. The photos show the left side of the caboose with the addition of the bay window restored window screens installed. These screens were made of heavy stainless wire to prevent rust in the railroad industrial environment. Most importantly, they are very strong and the wire fabric protects the railroad worker inside the caboose from objects such as rocks, thrown at the caboose. If you look closely, you can see some of the small damage sustained by the screens. While the screens and frames have been cleaned of oxidation and dirt, these small damage blemishes tell part of the story of how working inside a caboose can be hazardous at times.
Press Release: Interior Restoration Completed, 9/16/16.